
Elder, Sambucus nigra, or S. canadensis, is probably one of the most well-known medicinal herbs. It is a godsend during cold and flu season, and Sambucol, a homeopathic remedy, is highly sought after even by those who know nothing about homeopathy or herbalism during flu season. My general area of study deals with herbalism, not [...]


Marshmallow is best known for being the originator of the sweet lovely confection we call marshmallows today. Before you get too excited, the marshmallows you buy in the store have nothing in common with the herb as of 2023 and haven't for decades. They originated from medicinal confections made by boiling the root of Althaea [...]


Chickweed, Stellaria media, aka chick wittles, clucken wort, adder's mouth, white bird's eyes, satin flower, winterweed, and chickeny weed, is available for harvest almost year-round, except in midsummer when it becomes fibrous and tough, and in midwinter when it disappears for a short period of time. The name Stellaria comes from the fact that the [...]

Herbal Infused Oils

Infused oils are my favorite. I love all of the other herbal preparations, but infused oils are what I work with most, being a main ingredient in all of my balms and salves. Infused oils can be tricky when working with fresh plant matter, but I will explain how to do it right, so no [...]