
Elder, Sambucus nigra, or S. canadensis, is probably one of the most well-known medicinal herbs. It is a godsend during cold and flu season, and Sambucol, a homeopathic remedy, is highly sought after even by those who know nothing about homeopathy or herbalism during flu season. My general area of study deals with herbalism, not [...]

The Fire That Dwells With Water: Chapter 1

Some followers are curious about what 'The Fire That Dwells With Water' is about. So, here is the first chapter! If you are a subscriber, you get the entire thing. If not...you get a cliffhanger. Or subscribe below if you want to continue reading the story. Cancel whenever you want, but with the paid subscription [...]

2024 Planner Update

Hello, my lovelies! I had anticipated the release of Red Hawk Ridge's first planner today. But due to issues regarding the KDP review process time with low-content books (journals and planners), even though I submitted the planner in what I thought would be enough time to get through the process, it still isn't live. I [...]

Update for the Rest of 2023

Hey, my lovelies! I wanted to drop in and let ya'll know that I will not be restarting the Writing Prompt Wednesday and Q&A Thursday posts this year. With everything I have on my plate, it's best for me to wait until 2024 to start them back up. I am working on the prequel to [...]

Starting The Wild Assault

I officially started the first draft of The Wild Assault yesterday, which is the prequel to Blood for Honor that I never thought would be an actual thing. I only have 541 words that I got in about an hour of spare time, but I started it. Who knows when it will be finished...but it [...]

Garden Tour

Okay, so it isn't a true "garden tour" in the general sense that I'm showing you today. It's more of a collection of raised beds spread out around my land because my number one nemesis is a friggin' gopher...or an entire clan of gophers. They have pulled mature tomato plants with ripening tomatoes into the [...]

The End of 2022 and the Road Ahead

I can't believe that 2022 is already coming to a close. This year has been sad, exciting, uncertain, busy, and so on. It has held the death of old things, the birth of new, and the key to the future. I'm not sad to see this year end because I can feel 2023 and what [...]

Editing Services Are Live

My Editing Services pages are LIVE! The main page has a form you can fill out if you want Manuscript Critiques, Editing, or Proofreading services. If you are not serious about an inquiry but have questions, there is a link to my contact page where you can leave a comment, find my email address, or [...]

The Path Ahead-A 2022 Update

Today is a short post to let ya'll know that I will be taking a break from posting for at least January. I'm sure there will be some things that interest me that I will end up researching, and when that happens, I will make a post on it. But I won't have a set [...]